Psychable is one word. Capitalize the first letter of the word in a sentence.
Burgundy is Psychable’s primary color. We use Blue for accents.
Hex: #7b163c
R: 123 G: 22 B: 60
C: 36% M: 99% Y: 58% K: 34%
Hex: #92ABB0
R: 190 G: 17 B: 69
C: 45% M: 24% Y: 27% K: 0%
Hex: #f0bc42
R: 240 G: 188 B: 66
C: 6% M: 26% Y: 86% K: 0%
Hex: #3d3943
R: 61 G: 57 B: 67
C: 71% M: 68% Y: 53% K: 47%
Hex: #2f4749
R: 41 G: 71 B: 73
C: 79% M: 56% Y: 58% K: 41%
Hex: #f3f5f5
R: 243 G: 245 B: 245
C: 4% M: 2% Y: 2% K: 0%
Hex: #ffffff
R: 255 G: 255 B: 255
C: 0% M: 0% Y: 0% K: 0%
Jemie Sae Koo, M.A. is the CEO and Founder of Psychable, a resource to connect those seeking to learn about and explore legal psychedelic-assisted therapy treatment options with practitioners near them. Jemie is a serial entrepreneur who has built several well-known startups. She had a transformative experience with psychedelics that lead to the creation of Psychable. Along the way, she pursued a Master of Arts degree in the field of Psychology with an emphasis on Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy and has spoken at some of the largest psychedelic conferences alongside leaders in the industry. Jemie also runs her own private practice where she offers personalized wellness and integration programs. You can learn more about her offerings here.