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Psychedelics 101

psychedelics 101

Psychedelics are a class of substances that when consumed, alter a person’s perception and reality. These psychedelic substances occur naturally in some plants, fungi, and even in some animals. Scientists can also synthesize psychedelic substances in a lab. Humans have altered their consciousness for millennia. A 1,000-year-old pouch containing various psychedelics was recently found in […]

A Beginner’s Guide To Psychedelic Therapy

Psychedelic Therapy beginner

What is Psychedelic Therapy? Psychedelic therapy, or psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, is a modality that leverages the effects of consciousness-altering substances to accelerate, enhance, and deepen the therapeutic process. While there are many psychedelic substances with healing potential, the ones most commonly used in therapy are psilocybin, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and ketamine. Beyond this, […]

Microdosing Ibogaine: Benefits and Risks

microdose iboga ibogaine

Medical Editor: Dr. Benjamin Malcolm, PharmD, MPH, BCPP Ibogaine is an alkaloid found in the root of the Tabernanthe iboga plant. T. iboga has a long history of use in western Central Africa as sacrament for rites of passage by the pygmy people, Fang and Mitsogo Bwiti cultures. In recent years, ibogaine has been receiving […]

Setting your Intention

Setting intention

“Help me quit smoking.” “I want to process the trauma of my abusive childhood.” “Why do I turn to food to relieve my anxiety?” “Show me how to make my romantic relationship happier and more connected.” “I’d like to feel more comfortable in my body.” “Teach me how to be still.” “I’m at an impasse […]

What To Do After A Psychedelic Experience

after psychedelic experience

A psychedelic experience can be like running a marathon. Both expend a lot of physical and mental energy. Preparation requires time, dedication, thoughtful intention and goal setting, and a conscientious effort to recover afterward. Despite how daunting the experience can be, an ambitious few still feel pulled to meet the challenge. After the trip, what […]

Psychedelic Set and Setting

psychedelic set setting

The concept of set and setting is a common staple in the toolkit of psychedelic best practices. While Timothy Leary is typically credited with coining the expression, the full history of set and setting is explored in this article by Ido Hartogsohn. Timothy Leary, Ralph Metzner and Richard Alpert (Ram Dass), three professors turned pseudo-political […]

Is it Cultural Appropriation to Drink Ayahuasca?

cultural appropriation ayahuasca

The term cultural appropriation refers to the use of artifacts or elements of a non-dominant culture by a person from the dominant culture without reverence or respect for the source. A person of European ancestry wearing a feather headdress is an example of cultural appropriation; the person recognizes neither the spiritual significance of the headdress […]

What are the Benefits and Risks of Microdosing Ayahuasca?

microdose ayahuasca

Medical Editor: Dr. Lynn Marie Morski, MD, Esq Ayahuasca, a traditional Amazonian psychedelic plant brew, is becoming increasingly popular with people from all over the world. Although commonly known for its use in ceremonies where participants undergo an intense psychological and physical experience, ayahuasca can also be taken as a microdose. A microdose is a […]

The Ayahuasca Sustainability Crisis: Fact or Fiction?

ayahuasca sustainability crisis

Ayahuasca, a ceremonial brew with psychoactive properties, has risen to popularity across the globe. Clinical research indicates that ayahuasca may help address a myriad of ailments that are resistant to modern conventional treatment, such as depression and anxiety, PTSD, and addiction. Ayahuasca may be growing in popularity because people are looking for connection in response […]

How to Have an Amazing Ayahuasca Experience (Even if You Vomit)

ayahuasca experience preparation

Some say that the moment you decide that you’re going to drink ayahuasca, the ceremony begins. Preparing for your ayahuasca experience, fostering a sense of commitment, and becoming appropriately educated will set you up for success when the ceremony finally arrives, as well as in the period afterward when you begin to integrate your journey. […]

How to Find the Perfect Ayahuasca Ceremony in South or Central America

south central america ayahuasca retreat

There is nothing like attending an ayahuasca retreat in the lush, vibrant jungle that the plant is native to. Ayahuasca ceremonies are a part of many people’s spiritual journeys, but they can be daunting if you don’t know what to expect. If you’re considering flying down to South or Central America for an ayahuasca ceremony, […]

3 Reasons Why Ibogaine Sustainability Matters

Ibogaine Sustainability

Sustainability and Ibogaine Sustainability is about keeping systems running smoothly — particularly ecological systems. Ibogaine is a psychoactive indole alkaloid molecule in the oneirogen class of substances. Oneirogenic compounds are known to produce a rapid eye movement (REM) dream-like state, which can slightly differ from other traditional psychedelics due to its’ mechanism of action on […]