We are happy and honored to invite you to Akasha Retreat Center for a very special edition of our Uní Retreats.
For the first time, Chiefs Matsini and Manxivake from Mutum Village, will come to lead a retreat at Akasha Retreat Center with his family, adding up to 9 representatives of the Yawanawa people. Matsini was one of the first to achieve the highest spiritual initiations of the Yawanawa after the domination by religious missionaries in Yawanawa lands. Today Matsini leads the younger generations to a blossom in their culture and spirituality.
Retreats led by the Yawanawa provide a higher experience in Yawanawa culture and spirituality due to the available time to integrate in beautiful nature and the progression of the medicines and energy in such incredible immersion format.
Uní Retreats is also a true manifestation of the indigenous prophecies of reconnection between indigenous nations of North and South America, as Akasha Retreat Center is proud to have Wakia un Manee, Lakota Sundance Chief and Adriana Ocelot, Moon Dance Chief, as permanent leaders who during our retreats lead the Inipi (sweat lodge) ceremony and Lakota teachings. Wakia Un Manee is a wise medicine man of Lakota spirituality and very experienced in bringing the native wisdom to his work in mental health; also leaderand guide of the first Lakota Sundance in Brazil, at Aldeia Akasha. Together with his wife, Adriana Ocelot, experienced medicine woman and Moondance leader at Akasha,
they guide participants in how to most benefit from this spiritual retreat.
The first ceremony of our retreat is the Inipi, a pre-columbian ritual, which symbolizes the womb of the earth, where we enter for rebirth. We connect with the forces of nature, through the contact of the 4 elements, and the spiritual world. It’s a ritual of purification, blessing, emotional unblocking, and expansion of awareness.
In each retreat there will be three Ayahuasca ceremonies, traditional activities such as body painting, singing circles and storytelling, hapé (tobacco snuff), sananga circles, herbal bath, teachings on Yawanawa spirituality, Inipi (sweat
lodge), teachings and songs in the Lakota tradition.
All of this and more in the beautiful nature of the Itaipava mountains, in upstate Rio de Janeiro where the Akasha Retreat
Center is located
Each retreat is limited to groups of up to 38 people in the comfort of Akasha Retreat Center, with group bungalows,
healthy meals, herbal sauna, and natural swimming pools
In addition to the ceremonies the retreat will also include:
– Spiritual teachings, traditional activities, hapé (tobacco snuff,
storytelling circles, face and body paintings, herbal sauna,
daily breakfast, lunch and dinner.
• Interview and integration with Uni Retreats specialized psychologists;
• Land transportation from Rio de Janeiro to Aldeia Akasha in Itaipava;
• 7 nights accommodation in shared rooms at the Akasha Retreat Center
(up to 3 people per room);
• 3 daily meals at Aldeia Akasha;
• Participation in all medicine ceremonies and sweat lodges.
• English/Portuguese Translators;
• Land transportation from Aldeia Akasha to Rio de Janeiro.
• Individual sessions with the indigenous leaders;
• Individual sessions with talented bodyworkers & physiotherapists;
• Post-retreat follow up consultation with specialized psychologists; session of the medicines and energy in such incredible immersion format.