Multidisciplinary Psychedelic Council – Temple of the Peoples
Global Hybrid Symposium and Legal Psilocybin-Assisted Expert Ceremony
Greater Amsterdam, June 2-3-4, 2023
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This is our Calling In of the NEW YEAR 2023 and our Call for Global Speakers and Participants by giving THANKS to all of you and the greater good with the Gift of the
EARLY BIRD TICKETS for an inspiring transition into new co-creative collaborative adventures at these events.
Call for Global Speakers and Participants for both the Global Hybrid Symposium and the Legal Psilocybin-Assisted Expert Ceremony
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You are cordially invited to join us at the 5th international Symposium of the EUROTAS Global Transpersonal Network – BIRTHING AN ANCIENT FUTURE 2023 – June 2-3-4, 2023, Greater Amsterdam, NL. We are calling in a Multidisciplinary Psychedelic Council – the Temple of the Peoples synthesizing a 1-day Global Hybrid Symposium and New Eleusis Evening Celebration on June 2 and a 1.5-day Legal Psilocybin-assisted Expert Ceremony on June 3-4, 2023, Greater Amsterdam, NL – for all relations and from and to all directions, focussing on shifting from an egocentric to an ecocentric perspective. Through sharing, recognition, and acknowledgment of the suffering caused by the human species, may all beings experience a deeper empathy for each other, and a broader awareness of our interconnectedness and interdependence can grow – a path of the heart.
Global Hybrid Symposium, June 2, 2023
We invite Speakers for Presentations and Global Participation – of interested like-minded people In Person and Hybrid.
The Global Hybrid Symposium, June 2, 2023, intertwines multidisciplinary perspectives from shamanism to transpersonal psychology, to psychedelic science, with a focus on art and Nature immersion, experienced in a venue nestled in sacred landscapes.
The program comprises keynote highlights focusing on Mexican indigenous knowledges and mushroom cults; collective and community-oriented approaches – the temple and parliament of peoples; and towards an expanded paradigm – a New Eleusis. Parallel sessions cover a broad spectrum of topics of psychedelic science and spirituality, Buddhism, business and leadership, earth stewardship, microdosing, shamanic anthropological healing modalities, creativity, art exhibitions, film screenings, Nature rituals, including a pre-Columbian opening dance ceremony, etc.
The Symposium includes organic lunch and dinner buffets for a fully holistic experience of body-mind-spirit and community and concludes with a New Eleusis Evening celebration with different activities of art, music, film, and dancing around the fire.
Legal Psilocybin-assisted Visionary Inquiry Expert Ceremony, June 3-4, 2023
We invite relevant experts of different backgrounds for contribution and advanced experienced people to participation in this Visionary Inquiry Expert Ceremony.
The Legal Guided Psilocybin-Containing Truffle Visionary Inquiry Expert Ceremony, June 3-4, 2023, has the focus on bridging traditional indigenous plant medicine perspectives with the example of Mexican Mushroom cults, shamanic outdoor rituals, with psychedelic-assisted therapy and integration approaches, focusing on art and Nature immersion, experienced in a retreat center in a precious sacred Nature reserve.
Mexican curanderos and different eclectic wisdom keepers will transmit traditional wisdom and modern knowledge, and settings are intertwined with reflection, sharing, and therapeutic and creative integration approaches embedded in elemental rituals. Music will span from traditional Mexican medicine songs to eclectic live music. The morning after the ceremony, a traditional Mexican Cacao Ceremony will support the guided individual and collective integration process, all safeguarded with a team of experienced space holders.
The intention is a visionary inquiry approach to reflect individually and collectively on existential questions of humanity for a heart-centered, compassionate, conscious living in Earth stewardship in co-creative and harmonious collaborative ways.
Grandmother Spider and the Temple of the Peoples
Event Art Work as Sacred Foundation
As an artistic and sacred foundation of both the Symposium and Expert Ceremony, it serves the purposefully composed digital event artwork with the core symbols of the grandmother spider interweaving, Mother Earth with the Temple of the Peoples depicted through the hands, all interconnected. In Native Indian traditions, the Grandmother Spider represents weaving the web of life and caring for humans as the children of the Earth. The web, as a matrix, represents vibrational waves that inform every existence on earth. In Mexican tradition, the grandmother spider is the symbol of collective memory. All weaved patterns are expressions of feminine essence that give beauty to the world. It represents one of the eight senses humans must develop and take care of to re-create inner and outer harmony.
Since the dawn of civilization, humans have created sacred gathering places-spaces, such as altars and temples, initially integrated into the natural world. Such exclusive places were designated for worshiping through prayers, offerings, rituals, and ceremonies – the omnipotent force or forces set in relation to the movement of the sun, moon, stars, and elements of Nature, with which the practitioner was to seek harmony. They also represent the regenerative force of cyclical creation, undergoing continual death and renewal.
In a metaphorical sense, the temple is within us – the inner temple representing the sacredness of our life and body. The outer temple can mirror and help us remember ancient knowledge and weave it into our present experiences and future evolution, including shadow aspects and bypasses. Similarly, the impact of psychedelics can be described as mirroring our inner and outer cosmos, which can help us remember and integrate the mysteries of life.
The two events intend to evoke pathways of awakening the divine inside and outside of us, where Nature, art and science, technology, and spirituality are united in the search for new evolutionary pathways for humanity – a new renaissance – a new Eleusis. Albert Hoffmann coined such a vision Modern Eleusis, metaphorically drawing on the Antik Greek Eleusinian Mystery Initiation Rituals, assuming psychedelic experiences encountered in a safe setting can help our consciousness open up to the transcendent experience of connection and being one with Nature.
We are in the birthing process of a new renaissance, including the psychedelic renaissance. Humanity, collectively and globally, is called forth to braid a new way of collective conscious living in peace and harmony, collaboration, happiness, and beauty with all and Nature in reciprocity as Earth Stewardship. Such a stance promotes an inclusive worldview and integrates the role and impact of plant medicines, modern psychedelics, and empathogens, along with addressing shadows, risks, illusions, and delusions. This first Multidisciplinary Psychedelic Council invites us to join forces and to co-create diverse future projects by intertwining global representations and local initiatives with peaceful, compassionate, courageous activism to birth a New Eleusis through Earth Stewardship – a path of the hearth.
May we never lose sight of the sacrifices and efforts of everyone that brought us here and those who are continuing to pave the way.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there. —Rumi
Regina & Team & Co-Creators & Collaborators
Organizer/Host: Regina U. Hess, Ph.D., Netherlands, EUROTAS Board Member, Secretary,
and Global/Local Team, Co-Creators, and Collaborators