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Life is Ketaful Wellness Center

Life is Ketaful Wellness Center

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1 Review on “Life is Ketaful Wellness Center”

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    I have had ME/CFS for the last two years. The disease has taken away so much that I love in my life. So, I was hopeful when I found two NIH studies that showed somewhat promising results with ketamine infusions. I also figured the worst-case scenario would be if the infusions did not help with ME/CFS, they would at least help with depression, help change my mindset and help me have a better outlook on my current life situation.
    I contacted Dr. Bill Self, he did some more research and then agreed to give infusions a try. Bill is an intelligent, knowledgeable man that is always researching and improving his medical knowledge and skills. His great bedside manner and professionalism combined with my results from ketamine infusions have made a large positive impact in my life.
    Ketamine is an amazing drug. Its efficacy is over 80% when used as an antidepressant compared to 40% with SSRI’s and SNRI’s etc… The World Health Organization states it is one of the safest and most important drugs in the world. There is also a whole other aspect with this drug not often mentioned. A psychedelic aspect. The psychedelic aspect was profound, primal and life changing. Since my first six infusions I have been less depressed, less angry, more kind, more empathetic, more accepting, more motivated and I feel a greater sense of being one with earth and other living things. I’m fully aware on how crazy the last sentence appears. My retort to any sceptics would be to talk to me after doing ketamine.
    It did not cure my ME/CFS but it has helped out incredibly. I still have exercise intolerance, PEM and my legs ache. Having said that; before the ketamine infusions I was up and moving around approximately 4 hours a day. Post ketamine infusions I am up and moving around 7 to 8 hours a day. I am very appreciative of this. It has given my life a bit more normalcy.
    Bottom line: Dr. Bill Self is one of the best medical practitioners that I have met in my life. In my opinion, If you are chronically depressed, diagnosed with ME/CFS, just stuck in a rut or have been diagnosed with a terminal disease, ketamine infusions will make a large positive impact in your life.

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