Dr. Dofeliz’s story started in Dagupan City, Pangasinan, Philippines. As a child, he had a fear of needles and injections. This made every doctor’s visit difficult but he was in awe of the medical staff who were always able to soothe his fears and calm him down. They were his inspiration in pursuing a medical degree. Later on, his interests led him to pursue post-graduate studies in Biomedical Science at Kingston University London, where he majored in Medical Microbiology. After graduation from residency, he practiced primary care at Mt. Grant General Hospital in Hawthorne, Nevada and at Chinese Hospital Outpatient Center in Daly City, California. Dr. Dofeliz’s interest in ketamine was brought about by his desire to help his patients suffering from mental health disorders and chronic nerve pain. Current mainstream medications didn’t seem to help many of his patients, so he began to research other treatment options. He was impressed by the clinical success of ketamine treatments and once again decided to follow his inspiration and co-founded Radiance Ketamine Clinic.
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