I believe in empowering people to work through life’s challenging experiences. I am dedicated to working with my clients to identify the source of distress or difficulty and develop strategies to improve their lives. My ideal client is an adult, young or old, who is navigating the challenges of life, starting a family, parenting, family or peer relationships, or personal performance issues. My extensive experience working with adults and adolescents on issues related to mood and behavior, and current and past trauma, has informed many of my treatment approaches. Additionally, I have experience providing fertility support, treating postpartum depression/anxiety, and enjoy my work with teens and young adults navigating their developmental challenges, and athletes on performance enhancement and improvement. I have the E. Passport from PSYPACT, which grants me the Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology (APIT). This means I am allowed to practice psychology via telehealth video sessions in thirty-four states.
Currently I provide initial, extensive consultations, ongoing trauma-focused therapy, Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP), psychedelic preparation and harm reduction support, and individual and group psychedelic integration support. ***Join us on a 4-6 week Journey of KAP this summer! As a client, you will receive your own individualized KAP services and be part of a larger group of peers on this journey. It is our hope to build a community of personal and collective growth and mutual support in this process.*** Contact us for more information at [email protected]
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