My name is Greg Lawrence. I am a Psychedelic Integration and Transformational Coach and active member of the Southern California psychedelic community. In addition to my private practice I work as a Integration Coach with:
-The Transpersonal Center, a psychotherapy practice located in Los Angeles, as well as two organizations that focus on psychedelic advocacy, education, harm reduction and integration:
-Psychedelic Experience Integration (PsychedeLiA), where I do integration work with clients one-on-one and also facilitate bi-weekly Community Integration Circles; and
-Innerspace Integration, where I serve as a member of their Integration Support Network.
In working with people I draw upon my studies and knowledge of psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, integrative coaching, meditation, breath work and energy/body work, as well as my own deep experience using psychedelics and entheogens for personal and spiritual growth. I believe in taking advantage of the neuroplasicity provided by the psychedelic experience to make positive changes that accelerate your personal and spiritual growth.
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