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Annie Strout Counseling

(She - Her)
Annie Strout Counseling

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How Annie Strout Counseling works with Clients

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Annie Strout Counseling's Background

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Chronic Pain
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Client Reviews

13 Reviews on “Annie Strout Counseling”

Overall rating
  • My sessions with Annie have been life changing. I’ve been to talk therapy (all sorts of modalities) for over 15 years and with Annie I was able to access and heal parts of my psyche that I haven’t discovered before. I feel so much more empowered and with more energy. I am more positive and hopeful about the future and grateful for the past and present. Every session I learn new tools to be more in touch with my higher self and to have a more positive mindset. Overall, I feel more equipped to manage my emotions and live more aligned with my soul’s path. Annie is incredibly knowledgable and perceptive as well as warm and welcoming. Thanks Annie for helping me in my journey!

  • Annie is an extremely gifted therapist. I participated in her mushroom therapy targeting inner child trauma. Going into it I was feeling a little aprehensive, unsure of what was going to turn up for me, not feeling sure if I was ready or perhaps that I needed to do some other work before going deeper. However I can confidently say Annie has crafted something very delicate and powerful and I came away from the experience with life changing realisations that have deepened my understanding of myself and how I can operate in the world

    The therapy is spread over three sessions, each which felt individually potent and all worked together to create an environment of inner security, support and direction that made going deeper feel like a natural and welcome experience. Annie’s input was always coming from a place of curiousity, never judgement, and I was repeatedly impressed with her expert blend of perceptive skills with subtle directing towards the deeper work. During my final session I could feel some inner resistance that I was unable to get myself past, and it was through Annie’s guidance that I was able to break through and arrive at some very meaningful and beautiful new understandings of past trauma. All of which have lifted weight from my shoulders and given me a greater sense of purpose.

    I’m very very grateful to have been able to share in Annie’s gift for guiding people to a deeper understanding of themselves and would highly recommend it to anyone who has an interest in inner work and integration.

  • Annie, thank you so much for this therapy! You were able to reach places that no other therapist had reached in years. This therapy marked a before and after in me. I recommend it for anyone looking for a next level of knowledge and personal growth. The sessions with her are a super safe place and you feel accompanied at all times. I had never done EMDR therapy or mushroom therapy, and I believe I couldn’t have ended up in a better place to do it.
    Thanks a lot <3

  • Annie’s approach to inner child therapy with me was extremely effective. Using EMDR she helped me to identify childhood traumas which still caused patterns of behavior today which left me feeling stuck in very specific aspects of my life. In spite of trying to deal with these for my entire life I had been unable to truly identify the root cause and change them. Once identified she guided me to heal these traumas using mild medicinal psychedelic doses. The result of my experience with her has been truly transformational and led to a period of positive change in many aspects of my life. I am very grateful to Annie not only for her expertise, but also the wisdom that she brings to her counseling.

  • Working with Annie has taken my healing journey to a whole new level. The sources of pain and shame that I was able to access were so profound that I can now maneuver my limiting beliefs from a different plane. Annie guided me through one of the most visceral, dark and life-changing therapy sessions I’ve had. Her method is extremely powerful.

  • I took Annie’s 4-Part program and was extremely pleased with the results. I had done EMDR and psychedelic therapy before, but never together. Even the way she does EMDR is extremely profound. I found myself crying (in a good, healing way) within minutes of starting the session. The EMDR sessions go for like an hour, which is quite a lot more than I had done previously — and I felt a deeper impact as a result. And then the EMDR combined with plant medicine is truly next level. I had an insanely large release that made a very noticeable impact I am still feeling months later. Definitely don’t hesitate to reach out to Annie! It’s worth it.

  • Where to begin? I was feeling so frustrated with my inner journey, so many years of working on myself, trying on so many different modalities, fruitful for sure, as they all pointed me to my core wounding of loosing my father when I was young, and the beliefs and patterns of programming that came from this. Every time I did a piece of work, it always came down to this same trauma. But what to do with it? Some phases of my life, I would be overcoming this pattern, but as soon as things went wrong, I would slip back into the victim mentality of all that I lacked and that felt out of reach for me.
    Honestly, I had pretty much given up, I was tired and disheartened by what was on offer, and I didn’t feel for conventional talk therapy that I have mostly stayed away from in my life. I do believe in our own power to heal and shift, but what would get right to the heart of the matter, to the root of it all, and provide relief and permanent change that could take me forward into the next phase?

    I am 52, recently divorced, lost all my security, having to take care of myself all of a sudden, need to build a future from seemingly nothing; the fear was creeping in, consuming me, my work was suffering as a consequence, I was struggling to believe in myself and to stay positive, like there was nothing to grasp onto that was going to carry me through the rough patches. Then I saw Annie’s flyer on a conscious community group, besides the fact that it said free consultation, lol, something about the imagery and frequency there, stopped me in my tracks and made me message her immediately. Turns out I was the perfect fit…..then I realized it was of course not free, but I knew I had to do this, my subconscious was in the driving seat, and so I found the money, and booked. It all happened so quickly, efficiently and smoothly… months and months of drawling through a lifetime of stuff, AGAIN.

    This time was different. It was intense, I’m not going to lie, but so worth it. The opportunity to recapitulate, the well known and worn pathways of my psyche, but finding the thread of feeling that wove one event to the next, one choice to the next, was revelatory. To see the full spectrum, birds eye view of the patterns that stitched my life together, and how they affected the way I was feeling right now, all these years later. And Annie, oh my word, what can I say about this treasure of a woman…..impeccable, compassionate, humorous, knowledgeable and so insightful, she was able to re-frame my thinking so beautifully, in a way that I could finally see and harvest the gold from my trauma. How she managed to do this is still a mystery to me, but I am forever grateful. The practical tools I have been given, to keep integrating and instilling these new pathways of positivity in me are priceless, and the almost instantaneous change since the journey has been a breath of fresh air. Not to mention the sublime quality of the medicine she uses, it was truly exquisite and held me so beautifully while I navigated some treacherous and rather painful inner territories and memories.

    Thank you thank you thank you Annie- as an unconventional woman myself, what I always thought was irresponsible living or flying by the seat of my pants, is actually my superpower, what enables me to live a magical life outside of regulated norms and 9-5’s. Today I breathe out deeply knowing that I can continue to create the life that I desire and cherish, with gratitude, I know that I deserve this, that the pain in me is what makes me rich and deep and able, it gives me the grit to do things differently. I found your program, and the way you conduct yourself to be very professional and at all times I felt heard and seen and held. I loved how you shared some of yourself and your own life challenges, while offering something of such integral value, demonstrating that we can share our gifts and be in service to others, without having to be completely healed and perfect ourselves. You did not position yourself as an expert or have yourself on a pedestal, which allowed me to trust you completely, your humility is a balm in this ego filled world, I got the distinct sense that we journey together and all have something to offer on this path back to wholeness.

    Hayley Manson- Cape Town, South Africa (Creative arts facilitator)

  • Working with Annie is intense, concentrated, and exhilarating. She brings brilliant focused attention to the work and guides incisively, helping one slice through to the heart of the matter like a diamond cutter. In three packed sessions, she helped me identify long-held beliefs and patterns, harvest the learnings and treasure from the trauma, release what no longer serves me, and find a new way going forward. She conscientiously teaches tools to solidify the learning; I feel confident more than a month after working with her to live and be in a new way. The experience continues to resonate and energize me. Thank you, Annie!

  • I have long struggled with a core belief of not being accepted, which led me to constantly try to please others at my own expense. However, I made it my mission to overcome this belief and improve my self-perception.

    Through a transformative experience combining mushrooms, EMDR therapy, and supportive supervision, I found a safe space to explore my psyche. This introspective journey allowed me to view my beliefs from new perspectives, free from emotional attachments.

    The outcome was remarkable. I underwent a profound shift in how I saw myself and experienced a newfound sense of emotional well-being. The treatment empowered me to recognize and redirect negative thought patterns.

    I affectionately refer to this experience as the “Free-Yourself Mushroom Treatment.” It provided me with tools for self-acceptance and assertiveness, enabling me to navigate life with greater authenticity and kindness towards myself.

    I am deeply grateful for this opportunity and wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone seeking inner peace and personal growth.

  • Thanks to Annie, I have made significant strides in managing my mental health and achieving a greater sense of self-awareness and self-acceptance. I now feel equipped with the tools and coping
    mechanisms to navigate life’s challenges more effectively. Annie has not only been a therapist but also a guide and a source of inspiration on my path to personal growth.

  • My results from working with Annie in this session can only be described as this – it felt like my brain, nervous system, and identity all finally caught up to each other on the same timeline. After our sessions (as well as in the weeks that have followed), I felt a clear sense of being changed. Not just that, but I am now able to clearly see that I am a different person, and no longer feel like I have to continue acting out the past. I see myself making different, more empowering choices, and more quickly learning the lessons that life presents to me.

    If you feel like you’ve tried everything, and it hasn’t worked as much as you feel it should have in the time you’ve put into it, work with Annie. She will catapult you forward and allow you to finally integrate and benefit from the work you’ve done, as well as the work you do in your sessions with her.

  • This therapy has transformed my outlook on what I can achieve. I have been teaching in classrooms for 17 years and am now ready to take my knowledge and experience to a bigger stage.
    Annie held space and facilitated this therapy in a beautifully curious way. She helped me identify my limiting belief on unworthiness, which has been affecting my love life as well as my career, and reprocess to where I feel I can achieve everything.

  • This session helped me identify so many loops I’ve been working through. By accessing my inner child, Annie helped guide me to make positive changes. At the time I was working with a victim mentality. Six months later I am able to identify when I want to play the victim, I’m able to parent myself and choose to not play that role. Her pre and post integration sessions reinforced everything I learned in a kind and clear way. I would definitely recommend this session for anyone wanting ten therapy sessions in one. Months later I’m still proud of the progress I made with Annie in such a short time. Thank you!!

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