Our Mission is to honor our Sacred Pachamama and share a vision of peace, truth and intelligent love throughout our planet.
The Vision is inspired by the core teachings from different Sacred-Plant-Medicines and Andean Traditions, Christ consciousness teachings and applied throughout a series of Shamanic Rituals as well as Hindu practices and initiations for a clear, objective and observable experiential transformation.
Our foundation’s mission is to manifest our love-inspired vision throughout the consciousness of all humanity.
With the help of the lessons, teachings and all of our Self-growth tools (plant medicines, rituals and breathwork), we foresee a future where abundance reigns. We see a thriving future without sickness, pain and suffering. We see a future based on true unity, respect and willingness to solve any problem that may arise based on a spirit of brotherly love, true service, compassion and understanding.
We offer private 3 and 4 day private plant medicine ceremonies and nature retreats, sweat lodges (“temezcals”) and more.