We are are Experts in the Field of Consciousness and Integration Therapists living in Belgium and the Netherlands. We help professionals, leaders and executives with curious minds to find clarity, purpose and deeper meaning in life using legal psychedelic medicine and therapeutic tools to positively reprogram the mind while creating new and clear energetic points of manifestation through emotional release.
The secret to our magic is that we bridge our expertise as therapists who deal with emotional and mental wounds caused by the western way of living with the psychedelic experience and the energetic practises of indigenous cultures.
If you feel that common healing methods you have experienced in our Western world are not providing deep enough solutions and/or that shamanic healing methods are not adapted enough to the Western way of life, we agree with you.We believe we need the best of both worlds and so that’s what we created. This is what you can experience here.
Our genius is to guide you to dive deep into your subconscious to see your own inner truths and blockages clearly, guiding you to move forward, not by bulldozing your fear but by taking it by the hand. Teaching you to find your centre, express who you are, and to create a purposeful life around what is meaningful to you.
It is here that you can find your freedom and truly feel at home in your own skin If you are ready to re-design your life from a place of total integrity, we are going to help you crystallise your vision and map out a clear path forward. We will see YOU, we will help you to discover your authentic desires, move towards them and make them a reality.
This is exactly why we created A Whole New High. Not only is it a whole new way to experience psychedelics, but a whole new way to experience life.
A WHOLE NEW HIGH is a whole new perspective on how we perceive, use and administer entheogens – psychedelics, power plants and other drugs used to induce ‘non-ordinary’ states of consciousness.
The mission of A WHOLE NEW HIGH is to unveil the truth of entheogens and to understand the misconception of their characteristics. To experience them in a way which will lead us to question the reasoning behind their harmful reputation and illegalization.
A WHOLE NEW HIGH is the use of entheogens to discover ourselves.
Our vision is truth focused. Inner truths, higher truths and collective truths, all contributing toward creating a world where psychedelics and entheogens are seen, understood and valued for their full potential of spiritual and therapeutic development, their truth and their role in assisting us to find ours. A world where they can be experienced in safe, supportive and consciousness-expanding environments without the risk of legal consequences, public condemning or addiction.