Sacred Church ceremonies and retreats are led by experienced ordained facilitators who have had extensive training and been approved by the Church board to provide you with the safest organized experience possible to support your own personal connection with Spirit. Our ceremonies are a right to all members.
A minimal donation is suggested to help us cover cost of the services to keep the church running but no one is turned away that is prepared to join us in a journey of truth, love, and understanding. We do not charge for our ceremonies or services. All donations collected through retreats, tithing or donation are used solely for the sustainment of the Church facility, ceremonial tools, property rentals, staff salaries, food and additional expenses incurred with the upkeep of the Church.
We believe in not interfering with your experience and allow you to have your own journey of self-discovery. Leaders will be keeping the ceremony moving forward all night with traditional lcaros, heart and medicine prayers/songs from many traditions, including our own, that speak the universal truths of surrender, love, and release. By letting go of that which does not serve, we allow space for that which enables us to live a more loving connected and grateful life.
Two Birds observes diets as part of our practice. The diet is not just about avoiding certain foods but is about discipline, sacrifice, and commitment. The restrictions are in place to help cleanse the body so the sacraments can work most efficiently. The diet restricts many spices, salt, and pepper. It also includes periods of abstinence from sex or sexual activity. The diet is about respect, for the sacraments, and commitment to your journey and church.