Alberto Varela – Entrepreneur, writer, creator of techniques and methods, founder of several schools in the motivational, therapeutic and spiritual fields, with a clear evolutionary message to the world. Researcher, self-taught student and international speaker, with more than 40 years of experience in organizational management and HR, he arrives with a completely transformative proposal.
The starting point of his great impact and influence came after finishing an inducing stage in his process, which we could call a purge of the authoritarian and abusive structure of society, his imprisonment in 2008. Up to this moment, he had carried out an extraordinary creative campaign for more than 40 years, but his legacy and message to the world was yet to be born. Moved by restlessness and dedication to bring to light all that he felt was entrusted to emerge, he delved deeper into himself, withdrawing, confining himself, discovering his true essence.
In 2010, he began to organize an important movement: The great blow of consciousness, comprising the founding of several companies and organizations: InnerMastery®, Ayahuasca Internacional® Conscious School®, Beinclub®, BeyondInner Global Movement, EntheosPlanet®, Open Space ® Ayahuasca Travels®, Network of Holistic Epicenters, In-Conscious Communities and InnerCoin®. At the same time, he dedicated himself to creating various methods, techniques and approaches such as Inner Evolution®, No-Therapy®, Game of Understanding®, Transcendent Healing®; Comprehensive Intelligence®, Triangular Music®, Song of the Soul, and finally launching the Evolutionary Theory of Language that had been developing in the last 3 decades.