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Mushrooms for Mental Health: How to Have a Great Shroom Experience

Close-up of a white mushroom emerging from mossy ground
Jemie Sae Koo, M.A.
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Mushrooms have a long history of use in different cultures for spiritual and celebratory rituals. There are now hundreds of known species that can produce hallucinogenic effects, with more and more people using them for mental health benefits. For beginners interested in exploring the therapeutic potential of mushrooms, this article offers tips for a positive experience. If you’re a beginner and interested in exploring mushrooms for mental health, read on to learn how to have a great shroom experience. For extended reading, be sure to read How to Prepare for the Best Shroom Trip Possible.

Preparing for the Trip: Mind and Body Consciousness

Before taking mushrooms, preparation is essential. Practicing meditation, yoga, dance, eating healthy foods, journaling, being in nature, and preparing with a therapist or coach (find one here) can help you cultivate more mind and body consciousness before an experience. This will help you to better understand your own mental and emotional states, which can help you to navigate the experience with more ease.

Research the Different Types of Psychedelic Mushrooms

Do your research by looking up different types of psychedelic mushrooms available and find out how they differ in potency. Some mushrooms are illegal in most countries, with a few exceptions. For example, truffles, or sclerotia, are legal in the Netherlands and produce a more giggly, euphoric, light-hearted journey that lasts about 2-4 hours. To learn more about the different popular types of magic shrooms, be sure to read Unlocking the Mysteries of Magic Mushrooms: A Comprehensive Guide to Different Types and Origins.

Dosage: How Much to Take

There is no right answer for what dosage to start with. Some people advocate for starting low and slow with mushrooms, while others think that starting with a full dose, between 2-3.5g, is the better bet. It is essential to remember that experiences greatly differ based on set, setting, and dosage.

A sitter or a friend is recommended, even if you don’t interact with them, just having a trusted individual around in case you need additional support is recommended. You can also find one here.

Set and Setting: The Importance of a Safe and Comfortable Environment

During the experience, make sure you are in a comfortable and safe setting. Mushroom experiences even in recreational settings can still be impactful experiences. Even an experience taken at the spur of the moment can be unpredictable.

Magic mushrooms can bring on nausea, so it’s best to fast for 24 hours beforehand. The onset time may be different depending on the method of ingestion, but typically, a shroom trip lasts 4-6 hours.

The Benefits of Mushroom Trips for Mental Health

Many people have discovered that mushrooms can be a powerful tool for self-exploration and personal growth. Studies have shown that mushrooms may be effective in treating depression, anxiety, and addiction. They have also been used to help people cope with terminal illness and end-of-life anxiety. A mushroom trip can provide a new perspective on life, help to break down emotional barriers, and increase feelings of empathy and interconnectedness.

Risks and Side Effects of Mushroom Experiences

While mushrooms can be beneficial for mental health, they also come with risks and side effects. The effects of mushrooms can be unpredictable and vary greatly depending on set, setting, and dosage. Some people may experience anxiety, paranoia, or a feeling of being out of control. It’s also possible to experience flashbacks or prolonged changes in perception after an experience. For these reasons, it’s important to use caution with the right preparation and integration support when exploring mushrooms for mental health.


In conclusion, if you’re interested in exploring mushrooms for mental health issues, it’s important to prepare yourself properly and understand the different types of mushrooms available. Start with a low dosage and make sure you’re in a comfortable and safe setting with a trusted friend, sitter, coach, or therapist to support you during your experience. With the right preparation, set, and setting, mushrooms can be a powerful, potent tool to aid in your healing. 

Author bio:
Jemie Sae Koo, M.A.
Jemie Sae Koo, M.A.
Jemie is the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Psychable, the most comprehensive online community dedicated to connecting those interested in legally exploring psychedelic-assisted therapy with practitioners who can support them. Jemie has her masters degree in the field of Psychology, specializing in Gestalt and psychedelic-assisted therapy. She blends her deep knowledge of healing symptoms of root causes with therapy, nutrition/detox, energy, and body work. She has developed a unique method that allows one to connect back to their body’s intelligence and to therefore, allow the individual to heal their own body. She has helped hundreds of clients achieve overall well being and provides personalized healing services to corporate executives, entrepreneurs, and high achievers who struggle with burnout, exhaustion, mental health issues, auto-immune conditions, etc.

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