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Ibogaine Therapy Journey: Awakening, Addiction Recovery & Spiritual Healing

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Jemie Sae Koo, M.A.
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In this candid and insightful conversation, Bob shares his transformative journey through Ibogaine therapy — how it reshaped his understanding of life, death, addiction, and spirituality.

He opens up about the lessons he’s learned, the struggles he’s still working through, and the deep connection he has rediscovered with himself and with God. His story is a testament to the life-changing power of psychedelic healing and the ongoing work of integration.

Bob’s Ibogaine Experience: A Journey of Awakening & Healing

Jemie: Bob, since your Ibogaine experience, it sounds like a lot has been unfolding for you. Can you describe what it’s been like?

Bob: Everything feels like it’s moving so fast. It’s almost like time is slipping away. I was reflecting on my upcoming session, and suddenly, it was here. It made me realize how fleeting everything is—thoughts, moments, memories. I wish I had journaled more because so much has been happening—downloads, insights, signs from God.

Jemie: Can you share an example of what you mean by “signs from God”?

Bob: Oh, definitely. One that really stood out to me—I was driving to work, just thinking, and then I saw a license plate with “4444.” I thought, huh, interesting. Then, not long after, another car passed me with the same number—quadruple fours again.

At that moment, I knew it was God speaking to me, reassuring me that I’m on the right path. And I feel that—I know I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. But at the same time, it’s like God is saying, the ball is in your court now. I’ve been preparing for this moment, even when I didn’t realize it. Even in the darkest moments of my addiction, He was there, waiting.

Now, it’s like boom, boom, boom—one download after another. It’s incredible.

Jemie: That’s so powerful. So, let’s go back to your Ibogaine experience itself. What did you feel during the journey?

Bob: I felt like I was dying. And maybe in a way, I was—dying to my old self.

I realized that to truly be with God, to fully receive what He wanted to show me, I had to detach from everything here. That was terrifying. Part of me didn’t want to let go. But I had to. And when I did… it was like the veil lifted.

Jemie: That’s intense. Did that feeling connect to anything in your life before the experience?

Bob: Yes. Actually, it reminded me of something I went through when my grandma was in hospice. She didn’t want to be touched. She was detaching, preparing for her transition. I understood at the time, but now I really understand.

It’s like she had to disassociate from this world to step into the next. And that’s what I went through in Ibogaine. I had to let go of all attachments, everything I thought I knew, to truly connect with what was beyond.

Jemie: It sounds like this experience completely changed how you see life and death.

Bob: 100 percent. I’ve been thinking a lot about cycles—of life, of reincarnation, of spiritual lessons. Some people, when they pass, go straight up. But others, I think, have to find their way.

I was talking to my mom about this—how some souls get lost, how people can stay trapped in cycles. And I believe a lot of people keep reincarnating because they haven’t learned the lessons they need to. But we can break free. We have the power to remember where we came from and choose a different path.


How Ibogaine Therapy Can Help with Addiction Recovery

Jemie: And you feel like Ibogaine gave you clarity on that?

Bob: Absolutely. It wasn’t just about seeing it—it was about feeling it, knowing it. It’s hard to explain, but it’s like I was being shown the deeper structure of reality.

Jemie: So how has that changed the way you live your life now?

Bob: It’s made me so much more intentional.

For one, I want to do God’s work. I want to be part of something bigger—helping others reconnect, find their own truths, and overcome their fears. After Ibogaine, I realized—we need to get this medicine to everyone who’s ready for it. It’s not something you can fully understand until you experience it.

But I also recognize that psychedelics aren’t the only way to reach this understanding.

Jemie: What do you mean by that?

Bob: My brother, for example — he gets it. He listens to me talk, and he just… understands. He even asked, Do you think my heart could handle it? And honestly, I don’t know. Maybe he doesn’t need it. Some people do, some don’t.

But for those who do need it, I feel called to help them get there.

Jemie: That makes sense. Let’s talk about the process of integrating everything you’ve learned. Have you noticed any shifts in your daily habits?

Bob: Oh, for sure. I’ve been thinking a lot about what you said about my body as a holy temple. Why am I still smoking cigarettes? Why am I putting things into my body that don’t serve me?

It’s like my body is already working to cleanse itself, and if I keep putting toxins in, I’m just making the job harder. I don’t want to be in survival mode. I want to thrive.


Integration: Life After an Ibogaine Journey

Jemie: That’s a really strong statement. So, what are you doing now to keep yourself moving forward?

Bob: Journaling more, practicing breathwork, being mindful of what I put in my body. I also want to be more intentional with my space — cleansing it, keeping it sacred.

And I’m watching my habits closely. If I notice I’m smoking more instead of less, I have to stop and ask myself why? Am I choosing this, or is something choosing it for me?

Jemie: That level of self-awareness is really powerful. As you move forward, what are you most excited about?

Bob: Honestly? Just seeing what’s next. I know there’s so much more to come. And I want to be ready for it.

Jemie: It sounds like you’re stepping into this next phase of your journey with open eyes and an open heart.

Bob: That’s exactly it. I don’t have all the answers yet, but I know I’m moving in the right direction. And that’s enough.

Final Thoughts

Bob’s journey is one of awakening, but also one of responsibility. Psychedelic healing isn’t a quick fix — it’s an invitation to engage with life more deeply, to examine old wounds, and to commit to growth.

“I don’t have all the answers yet,” Bob admits. “But I know I’m moving in the right direction. And that’s enough.”

His story is a reminder that true transformation is ongoing. It’s not about reaching a destination — it’s about walking the path with awareness, with faith, and with an open heart.

And for Bob, that’s exactly what he’s doing.


To respect the privacy of our clients, names and identifying details have been changed in this article. Any similarities to real individuals are purely coincidental. The information shared is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as specific health advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any decisions regarding medical treatments, mental health care, or psychedelic therapy.

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Author bio:
Picture of Jemie Sae Koo, M.A.
Jemie Sae Koo, M.A.
Jemie is the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Psychable, the most comprehensive online community dedicated to connecting those interested in legally exploring psychedelic-assisted therapy with practitioners who can support them. Jemie has her masters degree in the field of Psychology, specializing in Gestalt and psychedelic-assisted therapy. She blends her deep knowledge of healing symptoms of root causes with therapy, nutrition/detox, energy, and body work. She has developed a unique method that allows one to connect back to their body’s intelligence and to therefore, allow the individual to heal their own body. She has helped hundreds of clients achieve overall well being and provides personalized healing services to corporate executives, entrepreneurs, and high achievers who struggle with burnout, exhaustion, mental health issues, auto-immune conditions, etc.

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