How I work with clients Whatever comes up during our sessions, there is light at the end of the tunnel. I have been a witness to it, and I can tell you it is healing. The important element in my sessions is that we have Read more...
Seeking support is sign of courageousness and strength. When we face challenging times, difficult emotions can leave us feeling alone and overwhelmed. Ideally, such times are opportunities to deepen our understanding of ourselves and of the lessons that have been presented to us. This path Read more...
I’m a first generation Australian from a non English speaking mixed cultural background (NESB-ian). I’m proud of my working class-ness and the all the resourceful authority averse traits that come with it. I’m a peri-menopausal married bi cis femme switch. I trained and worked in Read more...
Love, which is to be in authentic relationship, is the ultimate healer. At the same time, I have seen in my own life and in my client’s relationships how intimacy is thwarted by unconscious fears and anxiety. My own healing journey has revealed the role Read more...
Keith integrates complementary methodologies and techniques to offer a highly personalized approach tailored to each client. Keith helps people decide if the pursuit of altered states of consciousness is really for them and provides preliminary sessions in preparation for, and thorough integration after your psychedelic Read more...
You’re about to overcome the hardest part of your healing journey, asking for help. When the body says “NO” and responds with sleepless nights, anxiety, or even depression despite your attempts to help yourself – that’s a sign that you need help. I understand your Read more...
Hey, my name is Iven! I am a counselor and Expressive Art Therapist. I work with alternative forms of therapy such as music, play, and art making to foster positive mental health and self care – “TherARTy.” I am passionate about working with people experiencing Read more...
I have a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Victoria, and a Master’s in Clinical Counselling from Trinity Western University. I am a Registered Clinical Counsellor with the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors. My areas of interest and specialization are addictions & compulsive Read more...
Finding a Kelowna therapist who truly understands your needs can be a daunting task. That’s why we are committed to providing a safe and welcoming space where you can openly express yourself without judgment. Our team of skilled therapists utilizes evidence-based approaches to tailor each Read more...
P.A.T.H. Therapy offers online trip planning and psilocybin integration therapy to Canadians. We believe in the power of a holistic approach to healing and growth and have a passion for guiding our clients on their personal journeys towards better mental health. Merging the power of Read more...
P.A.T.H. Therapy offers safe, structured, and supported online trip planning and psychedelic integration therapy. We believe in the power of a holistic approach to healing and growth and have a passion for guiding our clients on their personal journeys towards better mental health. Merging the Read more...